Sunday, November 24, 2013

Lesson 11 Crabs

Dear Creative friends: 

As we wind down this semester.  I want to thank you for signing your students up for Joyousbrush Club.  Each week we explore a sea creature in its shape and form, it's anatomy and their functions.  We paint them with personalized best effort strokes.  

We painted crabs this past week.  I have updated the blogspot for your viewing.   I have send home your students' porfolio.  I hope you enjoy going through them and share them in your Thanksgiving gatherings.  

I am delighted to hear your students say"  It looked really hard, but it's really not after you do it"  What better way to build their confidence through painting.  

Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lesson 10 Octopus

No body understands the fun we are having in painting these sea creatures.  I usually give my students some guava candies for encouragement.  No body cared about Guava candies today.  They are totally absorbed in their octopus.  We talk about the long stroke of their legs.  We even sing to help with our long unbroken strokes.  How these legs can create interesting design, perspective and interaction.Do check out their paintings in school hall way.

Lesson 9 Lobsters

Do stop by our gallery in school hall way.  You can see each student's uniqueness in their personal take from the same instruction. Besides learning the autonomy of the lobster,the brush strokes,  we explored layout, background color and under the sea abstract design.  At the end of each lesson, I am so content to see how satisfied your students are. You can read their excitements in their paintings. 

Lesson 8 Crawl fish

I took some crawl fish from a Chinese seafood restaurant and brought it to our Joyousbrush class for sample.  It awaken the students' appetite to look, to marvel, to wonder, to question, and to joke about.  How inquisitive minds learn.  How nature delights.  How satisfying it is to unite the mind and the nature through the exercise of painting.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lesson 7 Fish painting fun

I want to invite you in to see how your students are doing painting their fish.  They did not start with an outline, they painted with their brush straight on their rice paper.  This exercise develops their imagery process confidence.  Documenting what you know, and observe to know.  

They have the freedom to play with the color for the background.  They are commanding their personal expression in their paintings. 

Lesson 6 Godfish side view

We continued with our goldfish, this week we studied the sideview of the gold fish.  We will spend another week practice the flowy side stroke of the tail and fin.  Your students are having a great time painting away.  Challenged, yes.  But delightful and focused.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lesson 5 Goldfish

We painted goldfish today.  We start with the top view, then we will paint side view and front view in the subsequent lessons.  We enjoy our painting time together, it is so special. Thank you for sharing your students with me to realize joyousbrush painting fun.

Lesson 4 coloring

Look how our black and white paintings are transformed into colorful seascape or under the sea.  This is our abstract painting exploration.  We colored with total freedom and personal expression.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lesson 2 dolphins

7 decisive strokes completes the dolphin. Outline is an option.  Because it is so simple, it is very hard. 
We practiced on rice paper stripes before attempt the painting, but there is very little time, so even when your students are not yet ready, they courageously take up the challenge .  You may view their works on the hall way, Let them bless you with delightful conversations.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lesson 1 fish

We attempt to paint fish with simple 1 swift definite stroke.  We then goes on decorating our stoke with details.  The demonstration seems very simplistic, but the discipline in attaining that simplicity takes drilling.   

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Chinese Brush Painting Registration 2013 Fall

Kincaid Elementary After School Club
Joyousbrush Painting by Tehwan Tso

The Joyous Brush style of painting incorporates the time-honored classic oriental watercolor (also known as Chinese Brush Painting) techniques, using bamboo brushes, ink, or watercolor painting on rice paper. 

This class is open to all students from 2nd to 5th grades.  We will be painting various kinds of fish, shrimp, crab, frog, and the landscape under the sea. The class tuition is $120 for 12 lessons and $30 for class supplies, this will include all supplies used in class including art bags and portfolio.   Optional $20 will allow the students to take home the brushes they use in class (2 small, 2 large), color mixing plate, brush rest, a set of primary colors & white and 10 sheets of rice paper.

Tehwan Tso demonstrates Chinese brush painting in Cobb County schools through Artist in School program.  She offers workshops to Georgia schools through Woodruff Arts Young Audiences. She was awarded in 2010 Cobb County Ovation Award in visual art and served as grant application panelists for National Endowment for the Arts in 2012. She taught at many art centers and schools including The Callaway Garden, The Art Place, The Art Station, Chastain Art Center, Compass Prep. ..etc.
School:  Kincaid Elementary School    Instructor: Ms. Tehwan Tso                                     
Time: 12 Tuesdays 2:30 to 3:30pm, 8/27 – 12/10/ 2013, skipping 9/3, 10/8.22, 11/ 26

Student’s Name:  __________________________________ Grade: _______ (2nd to 5th)

Parent’s Name: ____________________________________Teacher's name___________


Telephone: ______________________________   E-mail: _________________________

Class Tuition/Supplies:__  $150; optional __$20 for take home supplies      Check#: __________

Please make check payable to Tehwan Tso and mail it together with this registration form to  Tehwan Tso 3880 Pebble Shire Court,Roswell, GA 30075, or bring it to the front office leave in the Foundation folder.  Questions, please call 770 642 5559

Friday, April 26, 2013

lesson 12 review and free brush paint

Dear Joyousbrush Club supporters

We have joyously finished our 12 weeks of brush painting fun.  I want to thank you for your support.  The next school year we will work on fish and sea creatures with their habitat.  I will keep you posted after your restful summer.

I hope you enjoy your student's portolio.  We move from one bird to the next.  Each painting is the 1st experience with your student.  If we repeat the subject they will feel much more comfortable,  but to cover the scope and give them a abandoned courage to take on each painting according to my demonstration is to push a breakthrough in their fear of failure and ignite that courage to try new things.   

Ranges of emotion emerged when they paint.  satisfaction amongst disappointment.  Elation amonst trepidation.  But they are actively engaged with themselves and involved in their best effort.  I am totally delighted in walking with them through this growing process.  

Please view to see all that we have covered in these 12 weeks in Joyousbrush Club.  I hope to see your student and may be their friends after summer.

Have a great summer

lesson 11

Lesson 10

lesson 8, 9

Lesson 7

Lesson 4, 5 & 6

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lesson 2 and 3

We are having so much fun building upon the basic physical features of the birds.  Last Tuesday we did the color chicks and this week we did the sparrow.  I have attached my demonstration paintings for your reference.  If you see your student's paintings hanging on the hall way in school, you will be surprised at how well they follow the instruction.  The relationship between the beak and the eyes are still fussy in your student's mind, but as we continue with various kinds of birds, they will catch on.  

Next Tuesday we will do swallow.  The similarity and the differences will be emphasized so your student will learn from compare and contrasting these features.

2013 Spring lesson 1

This term we are going to study birds.  We start with an egg, then we place 2 feet on the egg so it is a walking egg. Then we poke their heads out, lastly we add the wing and optional tail.  This is a pencil study and ink outline. 

I enjoyed your students very much, especially when they perk up with interest and applied themselves with their best effort.  The commonality and differences of various birds will be simmered into your student's mind in imagery and understanding over the next 12 weeks.  This will grow your students interest and confidence according to their knowledge.  You may view their paintings on the Hall way at the school. 

Feel free to share your joy and painting with your friends.  If they want to paint with us, they may still catch up before we've gone too far.