paint joyfully, nurture your creativity
Learn how color mix, load them on brushes
brush on deliberately, direct rice paper effect.
Elegant strokes, your personal signature
Let me show you, let us practice
Keep on painting, discover joy
Observe carefully, recall and imaging
Express freely, execute with discipline
Create your gifts, multiply joy
The Joyous Brush
Club incorporates the classic oriental brush stroke techniques passed down
through the ages and the contemporary expression of water color on rice paper.
This class is open to
all students from 2nd to 5th grades. We will
be painting flowers, insect, creatures and
landscapes. The class tuition is $180
for 12 90-minutes lessons and $30 for class supplies; this will include all material
used in class including art bags and portfolio. Optional $20 will allow the students to take
home the brushes they use in class (2 small, 2 large), color mixing plate,
brush rest, a set of primary colors & white and 10 sheets of rice paper.
Tehwan Tso demonstrates
Chinese brush painting in Cobb County schools through Artist in School
program. She offers workshops to Georgia
schools through Woodruff Arts Young Audiences. She was awarded in 2010 Cobb
County Ovation Award in visual art and served as grant application panelists
for National Endowment for the Arts in 2012. She taught at many art centers and
schools including The Callaway Garden, The Art Place, The Art Station, Chastain Art Center ,
Compass Prep. ..etc for over 20 years.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING ASP CLASS
School: Kincaid Elementary School Instructor: Ms. Tehwan Tso
Time: 12 Tuesdays 2:30 to 4:00pm, 8/19 – 12/9/2014, skipping 9/2, 9/16, 10/21, 11/4 and 11/25
Student’s Name: ______________________________ Grade: _______ (2nd to 5th), ASP/car rider
Parent’s Name:
____________________________________Teacher's name___________________
_________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________
Class Tuition/Supplies:__ $210; optional
__$20 for take home supplies Check#: _______________
Please make check payable to Tehwan Tso and mail it
together with this registration form to 3880 Pebble Shire Court ,Roswell , GA 30075 , or
bring it to the front office and leave
it in the Foundation box. Questions,
please call 770 642 5559 or email Tehwan@aol.com
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